While requirements on slurry storage are subject to change, advice on the current slurry cover options and available support was discussed on a recent AHDB webinar
The supermarket product features a picture of a Guernsey cow on a product which is produced by 'pure bred Jersey cows'
Grass silage quality has been variable this year and clamps have not been filled to capacity in some regions meaning some producers will now be looking to redress the balance where crops have fallen below expectations
Barbican Capital said Close Brothers’ actions had led to the group ‘being incorrectly placed into administration’
The EPIHERD project has been awarded a Smart Grant from Innovate UK to develop a platform which will help farmers access epigenomic data on their dairy herds to improve performance.
Processors were working to make alternative arrangements but some farmers will not have their milk collected today
UK politicians have been urged to follow EU law to ensure dairy terms are protected from manufacturers of plant-based products which trade under dairy names and use dairy values to sell products but ‘have very little in common with dairy at all’
Farmers should start preparing now if they want to apply for Defra's new calf housing for health and welfare grant
Dairy analysts have warned of a perfect storm in the Cheddar market
The complaint was made from someone living several miles away from the farm