Head of exotic disease control at Defra, Gordon Hickman said farmers should be wary of the unprecedented scale of Avian Influenza (AI) across the UK.
The RSPCA said the rescue mission took at least two hours
Youngstock numbers reduced by 1.2 per cent compared to the same point last year
Defra was probed on a specific date in autumn in which the online checker would open, but failed to give one. They said they were preparing to launch round two of the scheme and guidance would be issued soon
NFU advises farmers to refer back to the current guidance of the scheme before completing the online checker, to ensure their proposal has the best possible chance of being approved
From October 2, 2023, cattle keepers will be able to apply for a general licence, known as licence TB16e, that covers the onward movement of cattle from TB restricted holdings
This year's UK Dairy Day will see five cattle breeds take to the ring, with three of these breeds hosting their national show at the event
Mobile sheep dippers, farmers and prescribers should make themselves aware of updates to the cross-industry Mobile Sheep Dipping Code of Practice
The impact of the pig crisis is continuing to be felt
4-week-old savanna serval and caracal kittens