LINCOLN Reds led the trade at 7,000gns at the Farmers Guardian supported multi-breed pedigree sale at Melton Mowbray.
Aberdeen and Northern Marts hosted the Young Farmers overwintering competition held in conjunction with the Scottish Association of Young Farmers Clubs (SAYFC) at the Thainstone Centre.
Numbers were up at Borderway Dairy Expo, Carlisle, with more than 400 cattle entered including those from 23 new exhibitors.
A new centre record of £15,000 was set at the show and sale of continental store cattle at Carlisle.
Demand for show potential cattle was strong at Pateley Bridge
Demand for show potential cattle was strong at Pateley Bridge
Buyers were out in force at Ruthin looking for cattle with show potential for the forthcoming season
The 34-year-old world record price for a Galloway was smashed at breed society’s show and sale at Castle Douglas, when a call of 26,000gns was made for Blackcraig Dyker from John, Ann and Iain Finlay, Blackcraig, Corsock.
At the Luing Cattle Society premier sale at Castle Douglas there was a strong demand for bulls which topped at 24,000gns and averaged 7,330, an increase of 768 on the year.
TOPPING the Highland Cattle Society sale at Oban on Monday at 22,000gns was Seamus of Benmore.