Silage results look to be reflective of the variable weather conditions and indicate precise rationing will be key to maintain intakes
With autumn approaching, it is time to gauge how forage crops are faring and how best to respond to identified shortfalls.
Colostrum is key to overall calf health and performance, but good management is paramount for high concentration and efficient absorption of antibodies.
With lamb performance heavily reliant on the ewe’s milk supply, ensuring ewes are in the best condition pre-and post-lambing is key to achieving high lamb growth rates.
Ensuring heifers have a long and productive life is crucial to maintaining a profitable dairy enterprise, and achieving optimal growth rates pre-weaning can help realise this.
In response to summer droughts and rising input costs, can farmers continue to rely solely on grass leys to finish lambs?
An important element of the dairy cow’s diet, starch is often overlooked, but is a key component throughout the cow’s life, says Dugdale Nutrition’s veterinary technical manager Debby Brown.
With a high protein content and the ability to maintain yields, forage peas could provide the alternative protein source dairy farmers have been searching for.