Monday 16 October, 2023

FUW president calls for certainty on future funding from UK Government 

The Farmers' Union of Wales president Ian Rickman said the UK Government needs to ‘put its money where its mouth is' and show its commitment to Welsh agriculture by delivering the necessary funding from 2025

clock • 1 min read
FUW president calls for certainty on future funding from UK Government 

The FUW president Ian Rickman said ‘uncertainties facing Wales' farming industry and what support farmers will be given' were top of the agenda in a recent meeting with the Secretary of State for Wales. 

Mr Rickman said the Sustainable Farming Scheme (SFS) offered an opportunity to ‘support the sector' if the ‘right financial package' is received from Westminster.

"Whilst it is vitally important that the Welsh Government design a scheme that truly works for every farm in Wales, it is also imperative we have the budget to deliver it".

Another change facing the industry which FUW said they are concerned about is the ‘requirement for veterinary declarations for EU exports'.

The regulation will come into force on 13 December 2023 and relates to the export of animals and animal parts into the EU. 

Whilst meat may be destined for the UK market, the export of animal parts such as fifth quarters and hides into the EU means that the vast majority of farmers who are not members of a Farm Assurance scheme, will require a veterinary declaration.

The FUW has raised concerns with the UK Government around the 'subsequent difficulties of having an evidence chain' that runs throughout the supply chain.

Mr Rickman added:"We believe this requirement represents more ‘gold-plating' of EU regulation. However, given that this regulation will come into force later this year, we need the UK Government and DEFRA to work with the industry to ensure a system to accommodate the requirement exists and is fit for purpose.

More on Funding

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Welsh farmers uncertain about Habitat Wales Scheme

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Welsh farming union asks Governments to commit to BPS budget for 2024

Welsh farming union asks Governments to commit to BPS budget for 2024

NFU Cymru wants the Welsh Government and Westminster to commit to providing long term funding arrangements which reflect the modern day cost to Welsh farmers of producing food, enhancing the environment and tackling climate change

clock 28 September 2023 • 3 min read