The old adage says that charity begins at home. But in the case of farming, we know that goodwill extends far beyond the hearth.
On August 3, Farmers Guardian's epic campaign, 24 Hours in Farming, took place - a day to showcase to those outside the industry what really goes on in farming.
Given last week's 'treeathon' which dominated the Royal Welsh Show and livestock consistently being seen as the bad guy in the climate change conundrum, it will come as no surprise that documents are circulating around government departments outlining destocking as the best way forward.
Tree are often seen as the miracle cure to the climate emergency and it looks as though the Welsh Government has fallen into that trap.
Show chat is usually a good barometer of how the farming community is feeling at any given time, and it was great to get out and speak to visitors to the Great Yorkshire Show last week.
At a time when it feels like the Government is doing its best to ignore Britain’s farming industry rather than actually listen to it, NFU president Minette Batters has to be applauded for making this week’s Farm 2 Fork Summit happen.