The rather soggy harvest of 2023 is coming to a close. Well, I hope it is all in the shed by the time this is published anyway. It has definitely been a long one.
From the bright lights of London to the familiarity of Lancashire, Heather Whalley has discovered what she is truly passionate about. Emily Ashworth finds out more.
In a new blog, renowned young farmer, Tom Everall, AKA Tom the young farmer, talks about his farming life and his travels to new Zealand.
In a new series for Farmers Guardian, the 11 new recruits on the McDonalds Progressive Young Farmer (PYF) programme. Each month we follow one of the PYFs to see what they are doing.
Young people from rural areas face being trapped in social mobility coldspots and risk becoming part of a forgotten generation, according to a new study.
Being bitten by a tick can have serious health implications. Young farmer Daniel Duerden talks to Hannah Binns about how living with Lyme disease is like being on a rollercoaster.