Farmers are being offered £44 million to help tackle pollution, as part of the Government’s new £1.6 billion Plan for Water.
MPs are set to debate controversial plans to significantly limit grazing on Dartmoor following claims Natural England is attempting to rewild the iconic landscape “by the backdoor”.
A blast of much-needed sunshine has brought with it a sense of optimism and welcome relief to those in the midst of lambing.
More than £40m of funding is being made available to farmers to help manage slurry storage and store water more efficiently.
Cauliflower growers have warned of shortages on supermarket shelves after freezing temperatures in December and January wiped out 40 per cent of the UK’s crop.
From 2025 UK cattle farmers could be required by the Government to feed their stock methane suppressants in a bid to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and hit net zero by 2050.
Farm assurance body Red Tractor has bit back at claims published in The Times newspaper that said its members are “more likely to pollute the environment” than non-assured farms.
A new £18 million capital grant scheme to help safeguard rare and threatened species from extinction, has been launched by Natural England.
The four leading UK farming unions have issued a joint statement demanding the Government address their concerns over food security and the end of the Energy and Trade Intensive Industry scheme (ETII).
Access to financing plus greater guidance and support will be key if UK farmers are to achieve the goal of carbon net zero by 2050, a new cross-industry report explains.