Working the farm diversification around their family has allowed Fenwick and Jasmine Jackson to build a successful farm experience for the public. Kate Chapman finds out more
Mr Price explained why native breeds are well suited to diversification with on-farm restaurants, cafes and farm shops
The Gwatkin family have a long history in farming, and their cider venture is taking their business in to the future. Ellie Layton finds out more
As support and funding changes, how can sheep farmers meets customer needs?
Swansea Community Farm has branched out to accommodate activities to improve wellbeing and resilience for people with learning and health problems
The British Heritage Sheep campaign was looking to promote the eating quality of the UK's native breeds during Love Lamb Week
Ken and Margaret Howie said they diversified their beef farm to accommodate cottages and an activity park
Hosting a food and music festival on a 200 acre farm in the Cotswolds has proved to be one of the most adventurous and exciting tasks undertaken by rockstar farmer Alex James
The barn dated to the reign of Queen Elizabeth I
"We see diversification and sustainable repurposing of historic buildings as an opportunity to preserve our precious heritage, while ensuring that the Estate is environmentally and economically sustainable for the future"