A move to biological seed treatments has helped one Borders grower move away from chemical alternatives in a bid to help secure long-term business sustainability and improve soil health
Continental sheep reigned supreme while the Longhorn took the overall beef championship at this year's Hope Show. Chloe Palmer reports.
The new tuber treatment launched by BASF offers protection against rhizoctonia, silver scurf and black dot
A move from set stocking to rotational grazing during winter months and the use of herbal leys to finish lambs, means grassland now works harder for Alan Cowan. Wendy Short reports
Fight Against Blight service has had a busy season
Maintaining good gut health in piglets is a greater challenge following the removal of therapeutic zinc oxide, but new research shows the benefits of focusing on this key area
Maintaining good gut health in piglets is a greater challenge following the removal of therapeutic zinc oxide, but new research shows the benefits of focusing on this key area
Recently-formed industry group GB Potatoes is working in partnership with Cambridge University Potato Growers Research Association (CUPGRA) to coordinate a GB potato cyst nematode (PCN) forum.
With most sugar beet generally looking good after recovering from late drilling and a slow start, BBRO’s Beetfield demo day highlighted ways to maximise crop potential. Martin Rickatson reports.
Producers growing cereals for animal feed have been advised to harvest their crops at the earliest opportunity, rather than wait for the moisture to come close to 14 per cent.