Correct management in the transition period, including meeting greater needs for trace minerals, underpins milk yields, fertility and profitability in the subsequent lactation.
How Ecosyl has increased the yield of a dairy farm in North Wales
See how Sinclair McGill's seed mix has helped a dairy farm from south Derbyshire
A reliable, affordable and adaptable fence is a necessity for any livestock farmer. Whether you have a herd of cattle, a flock of sheep, or both, a safe boundary for your animals is a valuable and worthwhile investment. However, finding the right solution...
Research has shown that adding non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as Metacam®, to mastitis treatment protocols can improve the cure rate and outcomes of a case
Longmynd farms have named the triplets Nicole, Erica and Jacyln
Funding from the Farming Innovation Pathway has aided the development of a product that could help the dairy industry in reducing emissions from slurry
A lack of communication and little willingness to negotiate from the landlord are pitfalls of insecure Farm Business Tenancies (FBTs). A Surrey farming family are now searching for a new home for their pedigree jersey herd after 17 years.
Holstein champion Damm Tatoo Sallie from Martin and Cyrill Millar, Coleraine, Londonderry took home the dairy inter-breed championship.