Advisor urges growers to keep an eye on nutrition amid challenging autumn conditions
Experts offer warning to cereal growers amid high number of pests
Hannah Cuthbert, 24, is a farmer from Lincolnshire
There is a global shortage of vets and vet technicians, and one veterinary college in Canada is taking steps to try and address the challenge in its local area
A free IPM Planning Tool has been developed by ADAS, NFU, SRUC and Voluntary Initiative (VI) to help farmers create crop-specific IPM management plans
As part of GB calf week farmers were invited to a webinar to hear how simple management changes on a dairy farm helped cut calf mortality
Water business Anglian Water is working with farming communities across the region to support healthy soils for the benefit of future cropping, the environment and protection of the region’s waterways
The rather soggy harvest of 2023 is coming to a close. Well, I hope it is all in the shed by the time this is published anyway. It has definitely been a long one.
Congratulations to Matthew Elston and Maria Warne-Elston who got married in July 2023